Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back to BSF Pictures

You know I've joked we won't have any of those cute "first Day of school " pictures because we aren't going anywhere. LOL! So I had to take some "First day of BSF" Pictures. Can't believe how old my two bigguns look! We had a great morning at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and lunch at Chickfila.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Waking the Dead

Ok, so its been sometime since I've blogged. I have a thousand adorable pics of my kids I could post but I have been so caught up in the Lord and what He has been teaching me that its taken center stage in my life right now. For sometime the Lord has been opening my eyes to the warfare going on around us each day, all the time every minute. Recently, my in laws came to visit and left me a book to read called, "Lone Survivor". Its the story of a Navy SEAL and a mission in Afganistan. It blew my mind and as I read, this strictly secular book, God spoke to me about combat, about battle, about MY ENEMY. I began to seek Him, asking the Lord to show me more accurately the battlefield, the weapons, and who my enemy is. Jen Giles has been telling me for sometime that I need to read," Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge. In God's perfect timing, I recently recieved it from my parents and read it like a ravenous woman! Now I can't stop talking about it or the way God has opened my eyes to the Battle that is going on around us and the way He has shown me who I am in Christ, which I have been blinded to. Guys, I've known for quite awhile that this cannot be it! This half ass, excuse my french, so called "christian life" CANNOT BE WHAT CHRIST INTENDED! Why do I spend day after day under the thumb of defeat, failure, shame, guilt, condemnation? Why can't I ever get it right? I can't obey. i suck it up, I must be a failure to God. He must be so tired of me. (all lies FYI)I can't do the things I know I should do and really do want to do....why oh why is my realtionship with God blaaaaa!? These questions have been the theme of my heart for years now. But in the past months I have awoken to find that God is answering me. He is enlightening me and giving me the knowledge and wisdom and insight that I have desired and craved for so long. I'm still on my journey. I'm still absorbing all God is doing. Until I can get my words put together in a coherent fashion, let me just say, if you've felt like me, go get the book!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A little of me....

So ,most of you guys who read this are also moms. I rarely see your face on your blogs, as you rarely see mine. Ever since we brought these darling children into the world we just follow them around taking pictures and its a very acurate description of who comes first in our lives. There are very few pics of me on this blog, esp in the last year. So just for fun, here are three pics that my friend Kathy captured of me today. I dare the rest of you to post a picture of yourself this week!

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A try at a group shot!

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Let's face it, young or old, men do the same things. Here is the Dad huddle and wait, and below Zach waits with his friends Gunner and Ben.

Another thing the boys did while they waited was give Hallie kisses. She responded by grabbing their eyeballs and hair. Here are "Three Men and a Little Lady." You can only find the lady by her HUGE flower!

The boys prepare for the "GO!" whistle!
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Egg Hunt!

Finally the weather was beautiful and spring like for one of these silly egg hunts! Hurray!!! Zach is so old now that he was in a different "heat" than Laney. Here she is gather her eggs, while Hal looks on from the stroller.

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Rylee and Hallie were cracking me up crawling around in the bouncy with their giant flowers. At one point it was like two unicorns facing off, as they smashed flowers together!

Laney's favorite thing to do was swing. When her sweet Daddy finally tired of pushing her, she swang like this by herself. I managed to get in front of her and capture this face!

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Hallie's first Bouncy!

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More driving!

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Fun with the Hitchcocks!

This Saturday was beautiful! After the egg hunt we went back to the Hitchcocks to play for a bit. Gunner has this kid sized jeep and I looked up to see Zach cruising with Rylee! It was hillarious! He drove Rylee, then Lane, and lastly he and Gunner rode together. At one point, the one where Gunner is chasing after them, Zach floored it with Gunner trying to ride on the back. Gunner bit it into the grass and jumped up to chase them down. We were just laughing. I personally thought watching them try to drive and not hit anything was hillarious! Although, I think Kathy and I are terrified to look to the future and picture our sons driving in a car together for real! In the bottom picture Zach has hit the side of the boucey jumper. We gave him a break from driving after that. Laney did ok when it was her turn. She just isn't quite old enough to understand steering and gas peddle. ha ha!

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Friday, March 26, 2010

This One is for Nana

This is baby Victoria, my doll from childhood. Laney has been very busy with Victoria lately. She is going to make a good Mama one day. Such a good little helper. It seems that Baby Hallie is also interested in babies. She likes to poke living creatures eyes too. She must enjoy exploring eyeballs where no one hollars at you or licks you away.

So, what started out as dancing to praise music, progressed to this. Zach asked to hear the "Lightning McQueen song", so we did. Laney is busy with her baby. Charlie is trying to lick Hallie to death and its a busy place. Never mind my "Pretty Woman" style singing, I just can't resist a catchy tune even if I can't sing. Enjoy this window into our morning.

Some Friday morning fun...

Zach was cracking me up with this shirt of Eric's on. It reminds me of Hawkeye on MASH.

Laney was loving on her baby, a favorite pass time lately.

Zach is doing a silly face and Lane's face says it all!
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Zachisms for Easter

Yesterday after BSF (bible study fellowship), I asked the kids what they learned. Laney, as usual, said nothing. But Zach said, "I learned that Jesus died on the cross and had our sins laid on him. He took our sins away." So I said, "wow that is neat. So do you have sins? "( thinking ooo, I can lead him into seeing he has sins and that Jesus took the punishment for him )His response was, "No. Jesus took them." Alrighty then.

After nap today Zach found me listening to some praise music. I said, "you know that after Jesus died on the cross he came back to life. He is the only one who has ever done that." Zach nodded enthusiastically and said, "Yeah, like Frosty!"

huh. lol!!!


Apparently I haven't learned my lesson about being lazy and not getting dressed. Thankfully this morning it wasn't a fire but it was fairly embaressing. I am wearing, my off the shoulder comfy oversized t shirt, shorty jog shorts, and hot pink fuzzy socks. No make up, hair in ponytail. Thankfully I had on a bra, when I looked out the window to see what Charlie was barking at. My heart jumped a little when I saw a 20 something guy in an OSU hat walking in my back yard. Another glance and I saw he was the meter reader, the meter reader who had my disgruntled golden retreiver cornering him! Well CRAP! I don't want Charlie to bite him. SO, I open the back door and start yelling at Charlie to come. OF course he doesn't listen, Has he ever obeyed? He just keeps barking and growling at the guy, as he dances around him. I yell, an "I'm so sorry!" to the poor guy as Zach appears at my side saying, what's happening? I said, "Its the meter reader guy and I'm hoping Charlie doesn't bite him." Thinking that my going outside might make Charlie more aggressive and protective, I continue to yell from the house. But finally, I was forced out, as Charlie would not back down. The guy is just standing there, looking at me, like do something! Wonder if they have "how to deal with dogs" training at PSO. He was pretty wise, didn't turn his back on Charlie or try to walk away. So, I striped off the hot pink fuzzy socks and ran out in the rain, calling in my playful voice,"CHARLIE, come here!" At first he growled and made a pass at the guy's crotch with his teeth out, but then he retreated and came in the house with me. As I was running inside, my loose drawstring shorts inched down a few inches to reveal my undies (thankfully I was wearing some) and I'm fairly certain my shirt was falling off my shoulder to exspose atleast part of my bra. So, once again ladies, on those lovely lazy mornings where you don't want to hurry and get dressed, atleast make sure you are fairly presentable because you just never know what might happen!

PS I'm thinking a lock on the gate might be handy!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Madness

Well its March Madness time. To be honest I don't follow college basketball too much until the Madness hits. A few years ago we started a Clark family tradition of picking brackets. We include Eric's parents and Sean and Erica. Our children pick too. Just now I helped Laney pick her bracket. She picked "Ho homo state" (Oklahoma State) to get to the final game, that aught to make you happy, Sarah! I think her other picks were basically based on what name sounded funniest. She has "Robert" and "Mary" duking it out in the South with Mary coming out on top to take it to the final game against Ho homo state. I just chuckle! To be honest I make my picks on whose name I like the best too, half the time! I mean come on Xavier is a freakin awesome name! Zach has Ohio winning it all! AHHHH the fun!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hallie Time

Hmmm, A hairdryer...

Hallie had fun playing with Laney's play hairdryer the other day. It blows actual air, which Hal found to be great fun!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hallie's getting close....

My time of "ease" is quickly coming to a close. Baby Hal is sooo close to crawling! Enjoy her yoga moves in this short video. She is going to have a killer core if she keeps this up!


I looked out my window Monday and saw this single, brave, brilliant, yellow flower! It may sound dramatic and maybe it is, but after days and days of grey gloom, this sunny flower was a beacon of hope! Spring is on the way, grey gloom won't last forever!! Furthermore, it was like the Lord was telling me, there is hope for me yet too! I will bloom. I will stand out strong in a nasty dead world, as much as I FEEL that is far from true, it is His Word! And His day is coming, when the world will be new, then dead and nasty will pass away forever! AMEN! Bring it on Lord!
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