CBS Devotion from 2014

Good afternoon,
Thank you for allowing me to give the devotion today. I’ll be honest, I signed up in faith that by the time my turn came, God would have given me something to share. You see, in the last two years I have passed out of a productive season through a season of demolition that has left me in somewhat of a spiritual winter. I have wrestled, pondered, thrown toddler fits in frustration, questioned myself, my understanding of the Lord, and the whys ad nausium...until even I am sick of myself.  And I don’t have many answers, but the ones I do have are this:
1. It’s a season. You will go through seasons in your walk with God and its ok. (no one ever told me that or if they did, it didn’t sink in)
2. Be still and know that I AM God.
 3. Furthermore, remember that I am faithful “for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12
So today, I want badly to be able to wrap this up with a pretty bow and show you a completed picture of God’s big work in me, but I can’t. I’m still in process. I wonder if any of you feel the same about a place in your life? As I prayed about what to say today, the Lord turned my heart away from my own concerns about my spiritual journey and He turned me to His heart for all of us. So now, will you let me speak a blessing from His heart over us. Just take a deep breath. Get comfortable and close your eyes. Turn you heart towards Jesus and worship Him as I read this.
My children, I love you
Let Me count the ways
I know when you rise and when you lie down.
I know each thought that skitters through your head and the ones that decide to camp in there.
I know what insecurity is trying to define you.
I see every self-preserving act and thought you use to protect yourself.
And I see clearly your past, present, and future.
All is laid bare before Me, the waring forces without and those within

And again I say, I love you madly.
You are My reward,
The crown jewel I suffered and died for,
My treasure redeemed from the claws of Evil.
You are Mine.
Soak in it. Mine.
My child
My sheep
My flock
My church
My Bride
My Beloved
And nothing can stop My true love for you or keep Me from your side,
Not seasons of disappointment
Seasons of doubt
Seasons of pain
Seasons of quiet
Seasons of darkness
Seasons of death
Take comfort once again in my words, Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. I am with you always even to the end of the age…and ps…I have overcome the world!!!

Come My child, spend time with me, soak in My words to you and let Me lift your head. Because it’s here, you will find My peace to guard your hearts and minds, no matter the season. I love you. 

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