Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kids say the darndst things....

You may be wondering why there is a picture of a mostly eatten gingerbread man sugar cookie on my blog. lunch today Zach was enjoying his cookie. He bit off the head and an arm and said, "Look, now its a donkey!" and it did look like a donkey! We were impressed! Next, he bit off another piece and said,"Now its a jacket." and it did look like a jacket. Finally he was down to what you see here, the feet of the gingerbread man. And he said, "Look its boo boos!" (thanks to breast feeding this is his word for BOOBS!!!) And ya know what, after we got done laughing our heads off, we thought it sure does!
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  1. I love kids!!! The other day Andrew took my bra and put it on his chest! Lovely!

  2. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Michelle! That is classic! I'm laughing out loud!!!

  4. Hysterical! He is right though, sure looks like boo boos to me! :)

  5. That is SO funny! I've been waiting for Luke to do something like that since I am nursing Claire, but nothing yet.

  6. That is hilarious! The best laugh I've had in a while!
