Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For Papa Clark...look familiar?

It was so fun to watch Zach and Eric play ball last night. Eric kept directing Zach and he was doing exactly as Daddy told him. One time Eric told Zach to turn around because he was aimed to bat right handed instead of left, so Zach obeyed and turned round and round in a circle. It took us a minute to figure out why in the world he started doing that! Then we laughed and laughed! Somehow though he understands what Eric means when he says "square up!" Eric was saying to me that he sounded just like his Dad. So, these pictures and the video are for your pleasure Papa. We have a little major leaguer on our hands! =)




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Fun at our house...


Laney standing on the counter finishing her graham cracker.

Zachie playing with his dump truck.

Zach, Noelle, Ross, and Laney in the "tent" playing.

Zach squaring up to the ball for a hit!
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just a few Laney shots...

Laney modeling in an OSU bow for Sarah, if you ask daddy its a halloween bow.

Laney was enjoying playing in her sunglasses the other night. She kept taking them off and on and pulling them down on her nose to look and then pushing them back up. She looked very gronw up!


Just had to take a picture of Lane in this cute outfit, socks and all!
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Zach gets a train!

Today we went to play at Ross and Noelle's. The mommys tried to get a few tutu shots but little girls weren't terribly cooperative, as you can see. Zach, who has been mildly obsessed with trains since our trip to Colorado, played with Ross' Thomas trains alll day! Daddy couldn't resist buying him his own. So they went out tonight, just Dad and Zachie, and bought him some trains! Just a small track and two trains but he LOVES them. He is still awake, 30 min after his bedtime, because he is quietly driving his trains round and round the track. Its so fun to give your kids something you know they want so bad and haven't even asked for!




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Saturday, September 6, 2008

A few recent shots...

Laney has gotten really good at riding the rocking horse! She loves it! Guess she's a lot like her Mommy. The two of them were sharing the rocking chair Thursday morning and I had to get a shot. As usual, I couldn't get one with both of them looking at me and smiling. But Lane's expressions as she looks at Zach are pretty cute. They were laughing but then Zach tried to kiss Lane (at mommy's prodding) and she started fussing!(that is the last shot)




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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Angry Princess

Last night I tried to get some shots of Laney modeling my Christmas tutu. She was less than thrilled at first. An angry little princess to be sure! But she finally got up and had some fun. Hope you enjoy the pics, even though I'm not sure I got any really good ones.




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