Saturday, March 15, 2008

Zach is Getting so BIG!

Zach had learned to say "Cheese" when we take his picture, which accounts for some of the funny expressions here.

No we don't give Zach time out in the dog crate, although that's not a bad idea. JUST KIDDING! =) He tells me, "bye bye, mommy" and climbs in. He loves playing in it. At one point we tried to stop him, I mean its so dirty, right? HA! Who cares now!
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Spring Pictures of Laney

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Top Ten Ways you know you are in Mommyville by Michelle Clark

10. You refer to yourself in the third person as "Mommy" while giving a play by play of your every move. EX: "Mommy is going to put the clothes in the dryer now."

9. Songs stuck in your head are now things like, "The Wheels on the Bus", "Arky Arky", and "She'll be Comin around the Mountain".

8. Poop on your hand no longer freaks you out.

7. You lay in bed on Saturday night planning out what your kids will wear to church tomorrow instead of yourself.

6. You are the queen of multitask. You can unlatch the toddler then herd him in as you carry in the baby, your purse, shopping bag, and drink from the car while talking on your cell phone.

5. You don't need a weight loss plan because you spend so much time cutting other people's food, fetching drinks, condiments, and seconds, while feeding the baby with the other hand that your food is too cold and old to be very appetizing anyway.

4. Snot on your shirt or jeans is no cause to change clothes.

3.You don't think twice about grabbing a terd of baby poop from the bathtub with your bare hands.

2. Sitting in a dr's waiting area for hours or waiting for a table at a restaurant WITHOUT the kids, can be a mini vacation!

1. You find yourself dipping your McDonald's french fries in the baby's jar of green peas, instead of ketchup...and not even noticing until you've taken a bite!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008