Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Little Sickies!

Our family has been down with the flu all week. My poor babies have been pitiful but today things are looking up a bit. Lane was perky enough to play with some toys and Zach wanted to lay beside her and play phone. Truthfully we have watched more tv this week than I care to confess. As I type, McGEE and ME, Zach new favorite movies is on...I think we've seen it about 12 million times this week. Eric and I could quote every line. Thanks everyone who has been praying for us. The Lord is faithful!

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Lane's Bed

One of Zach's favorite things to do these days is play in lane's bed. They have a great time together. The picture where Zach is sitting on lane is when I told him to sit next to her so I could take their picture.



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